Part Two: 5-5=Vote!

Young adults recently gave NPR 5 reasons why they did not vote in the 2016 general election and do not plan to vote in the 2018 midterm election. We take on the Big 5 in this new blog series, “5-5=Vote!”

Reason #2: I Don’t Know Enough to Vote. First-time voters might think they don’t know enough about the issues to cast a ballot for a particular candidate or party. One young woman told NPR she hadn’t learned enough about politics in high school to make an informed choice. In fact, 20 percent of working-class youth say they don’t think they know enough to vote. But young people have strong opinions on issues like student loan debt and immigration, and their voices should be heard. Connect your beliefs on issues important to you with candidates running for office in your area. Your opinions count! Make sure your voice is heard and VOTE!


Part Three: 5-5=Vote!

